Mission of freemasonry

“The mission of Freemasonry is to promote away of life that binds like minded men in a worldwide brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethic, cultural, social and educational differences; by teaching the great principles of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth: and, by the outward expression of these, through its fellowship, its compassion and its concern, to find ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors and self” 

Who Masons Are

Masonry is large and diversified enough to provide what you are seeking.

Masons are men who have joined together to improve themselves. This is accomplished through the principles and ceremonies of the fraternity. They endeavor to extend Masonic lessons into their daily lives in order to become positive influences in their homes, communities, nation, and throughout the world.They base their efforts on morality, justice, charity, truth and the laws of God. Worldwide, membership encompasses millions of men who believe and support the same fundamental principles. 

Our Purpose

Simply put, the overall  purpose of Masonry is to provide a way to help each member become a better person. We do not propose to take a bad man and make him good; rather, our aim is to take the good man and make him better.